
Projects Under Implementation

Improving awareness programs and enhancing public awareness of associations and volunteers in the solid waste management system

The project aims to spread awareness for the people who live in Amman, the business sector, schools and associations, so that the lectures focus on the management and treatment of solid waste, sorting and recycling it to reduce environmental pollutants and greenhouse gases that change the climate, in addition to introducing solid waste and classifying it according to its source and its most important types, especially industrial ones as they contain hazardous substances that have negative effects on the environment (explosive, flammable, poisonous) as well as other wastes such as plastic and rubber, which need a long period of time to be disposed of through natural processes. The project also aims to raise awareness about the mechanism of dealing with waste in terms of sorting, recycling and reusing it, and this is done in partnership with Donors (XFAM) and contracting institutions.


  Owner  : Department of Environmental Studies and Awareness
  Timeframe : 2026 -2022
  Performance Indicators  :Number of lectures
  Partners  : Ministry of Environment/Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education
  Budgets Required  : 500,000 JDs

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